Intensive Hungarian language and special subject course

The MFA Balassi Intensive Hungarian language and special subject course is designed especially for students without any knowledge of the Hungarian language. The course starts in September and until January the students learn only the Hungarian language very intensively: approx. 30 lessons a week. From January until June students continue with learning Hungarian and they also start to learn different special subjects in Hungarian Language.  You can read more details about our system and methods here:

During the course (approx. 33 weeks) students have 30 lessons a week. For issuing a letter of acceptance (necessary for obtaining the visa) students should pay the tuition fee.

Payment deadlines:

For Applicants requiring visa: 12 July 2021.

For non-visa Applicants: 16 August 2021.

APPLICATION FORM - please find in the section "related files" on this page

Please note, that students can only begin their studies in the higher education of Hungary in Hungarian language in the academic year of 2021/2022 if they successfully take higher level maturation exams in Hungarian and in Hungary and if they prove their foreign language proficiency (with a minimum level determined by the University).

The Intensive Hungarian language and special subject course use Hungarian as the language of education, and it does not prepare students to take higher level maturation exams in Hungary or to take language exams.

The Program Fee is 1.154.000 HUF + 40.000 HUF which includes the fee of tuition, administration, course books and exams. Applicants must pay the program fee in one sum and through bank transfer to a forint account. The Administration Fee is the 10% of the Program Fee that is 115.400 HUF and is included in the overall cost of the Program Fee.

The Visa application:

Apply for Visa type “Egyéb” (Other).

Acceptance letter would be only provided to the applicant if the full Program Fee has been paid. If a student withdraws the application, the Administration Fee would only be refunded if an administrational mistake has been committed on the behalf of the institution.

The Administration Fee cannot be refunded in case your visa application was rejected.

Those applicants who pay the Program Fee are not entitled to receive accommodation, student card and health insurance on the behalf of KKM and KKM Magyar Diplomáciai Akadémia Kft. It is recommended to have a travel insurance for Hungary prior arrival. 

To begin this program, the applicant has to sign a contract with KKM Magyar Diplomáciai Akadémia Kft.

If the percentage of missed classes goes above 20% of the total number of classes in any of the subjects, the contract signed with KKM Magyar Diplomáciai Akadémia Kft. would be automatically terminated. The Program Fee will not be refunded.


The Intensive Hungarian language and special subject course program takes place in a building in the downtown of Budapest, near the Western Railway Station:

1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky street 57. III. building. 


Ms Daniella Vörös

programme coordinator of Stipendium Hungaricum Programme

Phone number: +36-1-800-9482

E-mail: nimEdySDDmHr4M2ZTc3RpcGVuZGl1bUBtZGFrZnQuaHU=



